The Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly

NATO Parliamentary Assembly logo.
NATO Parliamentary Assembly logo.

The NATO Parliamentary Assembly (formerly known as the North Atlantic Assembly) is an international organization for parliamentarians from the NATO member states. The Assembly was set up in 1955 and its headquarters and secretariat are located in Brussels. A number of non-NATO Central and Eastern European countries also take part in this cooperation. Non-NATO members may be assigned associate membership status.

The Assembly’s principal aim is to promote NATO’s objectives, and it is involved in most areas covered by the North Atlantic Treaty. One aspect of the Assembly’s work is to adopt recommendations to the North Atlantic Council and the member states’ governments and national assemblies.


The International Department is responsible for secretariat duties for the Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. 

Telephone: +47 23 31 30 50

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Committee members
Role Name Political Party
Member Wiborg, Erlend Progress Party
Member Trettebergstuen, Anette Labour Party
Substitute member Søreide, Ine Eriksen Conservative Party
Substitute member Sandtrøen, Per Martin Centre Party
Substitute member Mørland, Tellef Inge Labour Party
Deputy Head of Delegation Myrli, Sverre Labour Party
Substitute member Moxnes, Bjørnar Red Party
Substitute member Kaski, Kari Elisabeth Socialist Left Party
Head of Delegation Helleland, Trond Conservative Party
Member Fasteraune, Bengt Centre Party