Liv Signe Navarsete (Sp): Kva meiner statsråden om Martin Schultz sine visjonar for eit Europas foreinte statar, og er eller har statsråden vore medlem av Europabevegelsen?
Nettavisa Politico skriv følgjande i ein artikkel 7. desember I år:
“Martin Schulz, the head of Germany’s Social Democrats, wants to push for ever-closer European integration and turn the EU into a ‘United States of Europe’ by 2025. “I want there to be a constitutional treaty to create a federal Europe,” Schulz said Thursday during a speech at a party convention in Berlin, as he urged his party to clear the way for talks with Angela Merkel’s conservatives which could lead to a new German government and put an end to an unprecedented coalition deadlock.”
Avisa siterer i same artikkel Schultz på at.
“those who are against it will simply leave the EU.”