Storehaug, Tore

Storehaug, Tore (1992-)

Political Party:
Christian Democratic Party
Last elected as representant for
Sogn og Fjordane 2017-2021
4 years, 0 days

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Parliamentary terms

2017–2021 Member of the Storting for Sogn og Fjordane County, Christian Democratic Party

Storting committees


Member, Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment

Parliamentary delegations


Substitute member, Delegation to the Nordic Council

Education and work experience


2011–2016 University of Oslo, secondary teacher training programme (Lektorprogrammet)
2008–2011 Hafstad Upper Secondary School, specialisation in general studies

Work experience

2015–2017 Political advisor for the Oslo Christian Democratic Party’s City Parliament group
2013–2013 Election campaign secretary, Christian Democratic Youth
2011–2014 Home help and personal assistant (summers and Christmas holidays), Førde municipality