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Abrahamsen, Solveig Sundbø

Parliamentary terms

2017–2021 Member of the Storting for Telemark County, Conservative Party
2013–2017 Substitute member of the Storting for Telemark County, Conservative Party

Storting committees


Member, Standing Committee on Transport and Communications


Member, Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs

Local government

2007–2011, 2011–2013 Mayor Seljord Municipal
2003–2007 Member, Seljord Municipal Executive Board
1999–2003 Member, Seljord Municipal Council                                                   

County government

2011–2015 Member, County Council, Telemark

Political appointments

2002–2014 Committee member
2000–2002 Chair, Seljord Conservative Party
2000–2002 Committee member, Telemark Conservative Party

Education and work experience

1997–2007 Teacher, Flatdal school, Seljord (appointed head teacher in the autumn term of 2007)
2005 Telemark University College, further education in Norwegian language and literature
1997 Telemark University College, further education, teaching supervisor
1983–1986 Telemark University College, pre-school teacher training

Last updated: 12.10.2022 13:11