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Vedlegg 5

We, parliamentarians of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Nordic Council and BSPC, welcome the mutually beneficial cooperation of parliamentarians of the Russian Federation with the Nordic Council and Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference (hereinafter - BSPC),

Discussing the development of a dialogue between Russia, Nordic Council and BSPC on environmentally friendly energy production and environment control,

Welcome the continuation and resource allocation to concrete projects under the Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership and the Northern Dimension partnership on Transport and Logistics

Express support to the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan

Note the importance of new technologies in order to preserve and protect the environment - intensifying efforts to promote the development of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and green technologies

Call for intensified international cooperation in improving the safety-related problems of organized crime, trafficking of people, economies and addressing climate changes,

Expanding joint cooperation in social development including health, social welfare, culture and education,

Take into account conclusions of the meetings in Khanty-Manyisk in 2009, Bergen in 2010 and Murmansk 2011, which was attended by parliamentarians of the Russian Federation and the Nordic Council, gathered to discuss the efficient use of energy resources in the field of environmental protection, the use of renewable and non-renewable energy, climate changes and environmental impacts,

Note the importance of cooperation at various stages of multilateral partnership in northern Europe, such as the Arctic Council, the Barents Euro-Arctic Council, the Northern Dimension Parliamentary Forum and the BSPC,

Confirm the importance of direct contacts and dialogue between the Nordic Council and the Parliamentary Association of the North-West Russia (PANWR),

Note the importance of the Parliamentary Exchange Programme between Russia and the Nordic Council, as well as the successful holding of the 4th International Forum for Young Politicians of Northwest Russia and the Nordic Countries, which was held in Stockholm, Sweden, 18–20 April 2012, and welcome the decision to hold the Fifth Forum in the Karelian Republic in the Russian Federation in 2013,

Note the resolution of the 4th International Forum for Young Politicians of Northwest Russia and the Nordic Countries, that discussed issues of open societies and new developments, student exchanges and healthy life-styles in Northwest Russia and the Nordic Countries,

Welcome the invitation from the Russian Federation to hold the next round table of parliamentarians of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with the Nordic Council and the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference in 2013 (Time and place of the meeting will be determined later).